
inverse ratio中文是什么意思

  • 【数学】反比,逆比。



  • 例句与用法
  • Your argument for the inverse ratio
    你的资本总额与负债成反比的观点. .
  • And that the bias - magnetic is direct ratio with relative v - s difference , and is inverse ratio with circuit resistance
  • Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mother ' s years of education
  • The reaction activity was influenced by the velocity of gas , and the conversion rate was inverse ratio to the velocity of flow
    同时研究了反应气体流速对h _ 2s光催化氧化反应的影响, h _ 2s的去除率与流速成反比。
  • Curves of the set - up and water level are offered . the water level is inverse ratio to the average depth of the sea
  • 4 . the relation between re - bars strains and cycle index n is obvious . the larger the is , the shorter the n is , and the relation of them is inverse ratio
    ( 4 )钢筋应变与试件梁的循环次数n之间有规律性,应变越大,疲劳寿命越短,两者成反比关系。
  • An ideal transformer , voltages are transformed in the direct ratio of turms , currents in the inverse ratio , and impedances in the direct ratio squared ; power and voltamperes are unchanged
  • Li of direction be postpone two the object couplet line direction ; distance ordinariness between direct proportion , and both becomes mass like its size and two objects product inverse ratio
  • And meanwhile , the very next morning after the battle , the french army of itself moved down upon the russians , carried on by the force of its own impetus , accelerated now in inverse ratio to the square of the distance from its goal
  • Meanwhile , using this apparatus measured soil containing water data from plane and section , and using software arc view insert value analyzed by distance inverse ratio measure , the result is very good
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inverse ratio的中文翻译,inverse ratio是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译inverse ratio,inverse ratio的中文意思,inverse ratio的中文inverse ratio in Chineseinverse ratio的中文inverse ratio怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
