inverse adj. 相反的;逆的;翻转的,倒转的。 an inverse network 倒置(电)网络。 inverse time 逆时,反时。 an inverse transistor 换接晶体管。 n. 反面;反量,倒数。 be an inverse measure of a number of 是同…成反比。 ‘Evil' is the inverse of ‘good'. “恶”是“善”的反面。 vt. 使倒转,使成反面。
ratio n. (pl. ratios) 1.比,比率,比值;比例;系数。 2.【经济学】复本位制中金银的法定比价。 the ratio 3:2 (读作 the ratio of three to two )3对2之比。 arithmetical ratio 公差,算术比。 direct ratio 正比。 inverse [reciprocal] ratio反比。 current ratio 电流比,电流变换系数。 nutritive ratio 营养率。 vt. 1.用比例方式表达;求出…的比值;使…成比例。 2.将(相片)按比例放大或缩小。
Your argument for the inverse ratio 你的资本总额与负债成反比的观点. .
And that the bias - magnetic is direct ratio with relative v - s difference , and is inverse ratio with circuit resistance 得出偏磁大小与相对伏秒差成正比,与回路电阻成反比。
Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mother ' s years of education 统计数字表明,按平均数计算,母亲受教育年限越长,他的家庭人口就越少。
The reaction activity was influenced by the velocity of gas , and the conversion rate was inverse ratio to the velocity of flow 同时研究了反应气体流速对h _ 2s光催化氧化反应的影响, h _ 2s的去除率与流速成反比。
Curves of the set - up and water level are offered . the water level is inverse ratio to the average depth of the sea 从近似水位表达式可以看出,增水水位与平均水深成反比;风暴潮与天文潮的非线性相互作用出现了明显的潮周期振荡。
4 . the relation between re - bars strains and cycle index n is obvious . the larger the is , the shorter the n is , and the relation of them is inverse ratio ( 4 )钢筋应变与试件梁的循环次数n之间有规律性,应变越大,疲劳寿命越短,两者成反比关系。
An ideal transformer , voltages are transformed in the direct ratio of turms , currents in the inverse ratio , and impedances in the direct ratio squared ; power and voltamperes are unchanged 理想变压器电压与匝数成正比,电流与匝数成反比,阻抗与匝数平方成正比,功率不变。
Li of direction be postpone two the object couplet line direction ; distance ordinariness between direct proportion , and both becomes mass like its size and two objects product inverse ratio 里的方向是延两个物体的联线方向;它的大小和两个物体似的质量的乘积成正比,和两者之间的距离的平凡成反比。
And meanwhile , the very next morning after the battle , the french army of itself moved down upon the russians , carried on by the force of its own impetus , accelerated now in inverse ratio to the square of the distance from its goal 而与此同时,在交战的次日早晨,法国军队却以迅猛之势,以与距离军方似乎成反比的加速运动,直向俄军扑来。
Meanwhile , using this apparatus measured soil containing water data from plane and section , and using software arc view insert value analyzed by distance inverse ratio measure , the result is very good 同时,还用该仪器从平面与截面这两个方向测量了土壤含水率,并用arcview软件进浙江大学硕士论文中文摘要行了距离反比法插值分析,取得了较好的结果。